Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Aarkstore Enterprise Portugal Insurance Market Outlook to 2015

Aarkstore announce a new report  "Portugal Insurance Market Outlook to 2015 " through its vast collection of market research report.

The Report titled “Portugal Insurance Market Outlook to 2015” provides an in-depth analysis of the Portugal insurance industry. The report covers specific insights on the market size, insurance density, insurance penetration, segmentation and future outlook of the insurance industry in Portugal. The report also entails the market size on the basis of gross insurance premium written in case of life and non-life insurance and market share of various companies at the country level. Overall, the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the entire Portugal insurance industry.
Portugal is the 12th largest life insurance market and 14th largest non-life insurance market in Europe with gross insurance premium of USD 16,147 million and USD ~ million in 2010 respectively. The market has shown great recovery in 2010 from the economic crisis of 2009; however there are still several issues to be dealt with. With approximately 84 insurers operating in the country along with the employment level of 11,207 people in the sector in 2009, the market is poised to witness growth in the future.
The insurance market in Portugal is dominated by the life insurance segment which accounted for 74.5% of the gross insurance premium in 2010. Motor is the largest non-life insurance segment accounting for 40.1% of the market share in the non-life insurance market.
Bancassurance distribution channel dominates the life insurance market contributing approximately 81.6% of the writings, while non-life insurance market is dominated by agents which accounted for 60.7% of the gross insurance premium writings.
In terms of premium, life insurance contributed USD ~ million in 2010. Motor insurance being the second largest sector contributed with a premium of USD ~ million, followed by the contribution of fire and other property damage and health with USD ~ million and USD ~ million respectively.
Life assurance is the largest segment by insurance class with a share of 78.9% contributing a premium of USD ~ million in 2010. Unit-linked is another major segment with a premium contribution of USD ~ million, accounting for ~ % of the market.
The top five players in Portugal insurance industry comprised of nearly 50% of the market. The largest player in the region with a share of ~ % is Fidelity-Global. The second largest player in the region is Bonanca with a market share of ~ %. With a share of ~ %, AXA Insurance is the third largest player operating in the region contributing gross insurance premium of USD ~ million in 2010.
Motor insurance in Portugal grew at a CAGR of 3.8% during 2001-2010. The maximum increase in growth was registered in the year 2003, where the growth registered was 23.0%. The premium increased from USD 1,588 million in 2001 to USD ~ million in 2010. By 2015, motor insurance is likely to increase at a CAGR of ~ % during the period from 2010-2015. The premium is set to increase from USD ~ million in 2010 to USD ~ million in 2015.
Total insurers investment portfolio increased from USD 20,073 million in 2001 to USD 80,631 million in 2009. The investment portfolio increased throughout the historical period at a CAGR of 19.0%. The proportion of life insurers’ portfolio has increased throughout the historical period. The proportion has increased from 78.8% in 2001 to ~ % in 2009. In terms of value, it increased from USD 15,820 million in 2001 to USD ~ million in 2009. Although the share of non-life has decreased in the investment portfolio, the market has registered an incline from USD 4,253 million in 2001 to USD ~ million in 2009.

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