Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Aarkstore Enterprise India Insurance Market Outlook to 2015

Aarkstore announce a new report  "India Insurance Market Outlook to 2015 " through its vast collection of market research report.

Executive Summary
 The Report titled “India Insurance Market Outlook to 2015” provides an in-depth analysis of the Indian insurance industry. The report covers specific insights on the market size, insurance density, insurance penetration, segmentation, trends and developments and future outlook of the insurance industry in India. The report contains information on the market size and competitive landscape of life, non-life, health, motor, marine and fire insurance. Overall, the report offers a comprehensive analysis of the entire Indian insurance industry.

 During the period from financial year (FY) 2002-2010, life premium grew at staggering CAGR of ~%. An increase of more than ~% in growth was registered in the financial year 2007, when the premium increased from USD ~ million in 2006 to USD ~ million in 2007 and 2008. The growth rate slightly dipped in financial year 2009 but rose again in 2010. In financial year 2010, the gross life insurance premium stood at USD ~ million. Non-life premium has risen in India at a very past pace. The premium increased from USD ~ million in FY’2002 to USD ~ million in FY 2010 at a CAGR of ~%. An increase in total insurance was also registered with the premium rising from USD ~ million in FY’2002 to USD ~ million.

 In the future, the penetration in case of life insurance is expected to increase at a CAGR ~ % which would be low as compared to the growth rate achieved in the historical period. The penetration is expected to reach ~ % by FY’2016. The penetration in case of non-life insurance would increase from ~ % in FY’2010 to ~ % in FY’2016.

 Total insurance penetration would also increase continuously till FY’2016 and is expected to reach ~% by 2016.

 In the financial year 2010, the life insurers paid nearly ~ lakhs claims on individual policies, resulting in a total payout of USD ~ million, an increase of ~% from the payout in FY’2009. Approximately, ~ claims were repudiated (~ in the financial year 2009) for a sum of USD ~ million in FY’2010.

 Motor business has continued to dominate the non-life insurance market with the market share of ~% in 2009-2010. The market share of health insurance has increased from ~% in FY’2006 to ~% in FY’2010. The market share of fire insurance has declined as well from ~% in 2005-2006 to ~% in 2009-2010. The fire insurance premium registered a negative 4 year CAGR of ~% from FY’2006 to 2010. The contribution from marine insurance sector has remained stagnant over time at ~% following the de-tariffing of the sector in 2007.

 Overtime, private sector has increased its market share in the total expenditure on non-life insurance products. The contribution of private sector has increased from ~% (USD ~ million) in the financial year 2006 to ~% in FY’2010 (USD ~ million).

 Public sector still continues to remain the largest contributor to the expenditure on non-life insurance products but the market share of the sector has declined drastically overtime. The market share has declined overtime from ~ % in FY’2006 to ~ % in FY’2010. The contribution of expenditure was valued at USD ~ million in 2006 which has increased to USD ~ million in FY’2010 but the growth in the expenditure underperforms the growth in the expenditure in the private sector.

 In case of non-life insurance, New India is the market leader with a market share of ~ % and gross insurance premium of USD ~ million in FY’2010. United India Insurance is the second largest player with a market share of ~ % and gross insurance premium of USD ~ million followed by Oriental and National with a market share of ~ % and ~ % respectively.

 Micro insurance portfolio was worth USD ~ million for the financial year 2010 in terms of gross insurance premium income. It has approximately doubled itself from the previous year’s premium income of USD ~ million. The contribution of LIC in the total premium was ~ % under micro-insurance and the rest ~ % was contributed by the private life insurance companies.

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